Design / Copyright

copyrightCopyright is a legal right created for protection of original works like novels, computer programs, plays, films, music, paintings, photos, etc, the creator being vested with the right to use, reproduce, publish, perform, communicate and adapt his original work. Copyright enables the owner to control the commercial exploitation of his work, thus getting compensation for his intellectual efforts and reward for his creativity.

Design refers to the features of a shape, configuration, pattern or ornament applied to an article by any industrial process. Registration of a design protects the external appearance of the article.

Rajeshwari & AssociatesĀ  deals extensively with copyright laws, covering their all aspects, by assisting clients in registration, licensing, policing and enforcement of their copyrights. Besides other areas, our attorneys, owing to their engineering and technology backgrounds, are well versed and fully equipped to solve technology related copyright issues arising in the context of trade secrets and computer software as well.

We represent clients before copyright boards and the courts for copyright infringement and passing off proceedings. We advise on copyright issues in a broad spectrum of diverse areas, both in the physical and digital contexts.


Our services in the domain of Design / Copyright include :

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  • S-357, First Floor,
  • Near HDFC Bank,
  • Panchseel Park, New Delhi-110017
  • Tel: +91-11-41038911,
  • Mob: +91-9910048684
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